Introduce and narrate the applications of Work study and Method Engineering

Introduce and narrate the applications of Work study and Method Engineering

Work study is the process in which we study the factors of time study with the motion study to figure out a way that increase the productivity of the company or organization. In work study we are committed to find the best way possible for doing any work and to avoid the moves that are unnecessary movements.
work study and method engineering lecture

In work study our main aim was to use the resources in a good way so that to reduce crap and improve productivity, Keep in mind that work study is carried out with reference to three important components of any organization

A.      Man
B.      Material
C.      Machine

The most important thing that specialists always ally on is Productivity. When Management call for work study to improve the productivity, they aim it

·         To examine the way that certain activity is carried out with systematic ways
·         Where are resources use with unnecessary way
·         To reduce the unnecessary work methods
·         To set a standard work time
·         Simplify the methods with good modeling skills

                                                                      Objective of the Work Study

The objective of the work study is

·         Increase the productivity.
·         Decrease the total time taken to make a product.
·         Give a better reward system to hard working workers.
·         To increase job security.
·         Increase profitability
·         Decrease the cost
·         Establish a standard of work for everyone.

                                                                  Applications of Work Study

Following are some of the applications of the work study:

1.       Work study increases the productivity of an organization. Productivity is defined as the ratio of output by input, Productivity in terms of labor can be defined as output/hour worked, So by increasing the output by work study the productivity of labor increase by default.

2.       One of the applications of work study is that the method that we develop with the help of work study can easily be implanted and make into the shape.
3.       Production capacity can be evaluated.
4.       It is beneficial for the workers safety.
5.       Using work study we can find out how much production will be done in hourly or weekly.
6.       It is Beneficial till we use work study methods.
7.       Work study is the systematic way of finding a problem, so we study the problem and make a solution for it which benefits the organization we work on.

The Five steps procedure followed in the work study are the following

1.       Seeking a Job: To start your work study research you need to select a job- - A job is the initial work Material that we observe and make decsion on the basis of our observation.

2.       Getting and noted the  data: Observe the every change in the product life cycle and write it down, you have to take important decisions on basis of that data.

3.       Questioning Every Step followed by Production System: You must have to question the every step followed previously.  Deleate some of the elements to see the results.

4.       Develop a method and Test It: Think of the better idea to test and do contiously expermentation to develop a better way to work study--- Time study and Motion Study.

5.       Installing and Making Improvement: As the famous saying in Engineering is “Nothing is perfext in Engineering World” this shows that there is always a room for Improvement the process or System.

Work study is a very important tool for increasing the productivity of a Product. It is a set of basic tools that are used to study the Two important work study techniques such as Time study and Motion study. In the end section we describe the application of the Work study to any organization.


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