How to earn more with Indian AdSense Account Get higher CPC And CTR

How to earn more with Indian AdSense Account Get higher CPC And CTR

AdSense is one of the best network when it come to Cost per click advertising and at the same time at also give people the choice to Earn Money through AdSense. AdSense also give publishers 68% of the revenue from per click basis and most of the top blogger in India Earn through AdSense a lot of dollars.

5 tactics For increasing your AdSense Revenue

Here in this article i will guide you how to earn more money with Being an Indian Blogger on and

CPC And CTR Indian AdSense

Table of content 

1. Factors that make your revenue high

2. Increase your Cost per click on Google AdSense

3. Increase your CTR on Google AdSense

4. Increase your Traffic to your Google AdSense optimize blog or site.

5. Indian blogs CPC and CTR

6. A story of blogger who make $4000 from Google AdSense on a month.

7. Conclusion

1. Factors that make your revenue high on Google AdSense

You may search for a lot of contents to increase your revenue but you will find that most blogger just describe the terms CPC, CTR and Impression RPM and don't give you the right answer for the your right question.
How much you get for traffic of 1000 people visit your site, that can't be correcty estimated because of some factors that we will discuss later. 
Some of the factors that depend upon the Google AdSense revenue in India are

  • Type of visitor coming 
  • Visitor from Search engine or Social media
  • Visitor has a knowledge about ads 
  • Visitor age
  • Your domain PA/DA
  • Your AdSense Domain Type {Hosted AdSense or No-hosted AdSense account}
  • Your niche
  • Your blog or website ad optimization
So, to earn maximum you need to have the traffic sources from search engine and have the best ad optimize site then your earning will be increase with time.

2. Increase your cost per click For your site
AdSense Cost per click is a very important factor that you need to have a look at every week and compare them with your previous results.
For high Cost per click you need to use a long form of targetting the right keyword with the right audience so that you will get the right type of ad and you may earn $1 per click.

So, how to increase your Cost per click from Google AdSense on Indian Traffic?
1. Always use the words that have the high CPC for AdSense. You can check the CPC of different keywords on Google AdWords.

2. Always target a single keyword on your Website, this helps the Google AdSense Robots to show the correct ads.

3. Use the Ads on the top right corner of your site. For this you can use a 970*90 ad size.

4. And try to get the Search traffic

Here is the Guide of how to increase your AdSense Earning with Keyword that don't generate enough Money on Google AdSense

3. Increase your CTR on Google AdSense

Click through rate is defined as the number of clicks you receive per 100 impressions.
So, if your CTR is between 1% to 8% then you don't need to worry about but if it cross the limits then you need to worry about the situation. Here is the Guide of How to protect your AdSense account.

So, the question is how to improve your CTR between 3% to 6%. I am sharing what i have done for my AdSense account.

1. Always use the text ads and set the link color and border color to be red.
2. Always use ads in article.
3. Always use ads in bottom of your website.
4. Try to ban those sites that you don;t like.
5. Try to get those audience that love your articles.

Note: Never ever click on your own ads, Google will notice your ip and may led you to ban lifetime on AdSense account creation.

4. Increase your Traffic to your Google AdSense optimize blog or site.

Once my blog is getting enough traffic but AdSense account showing no Clicks and no impression, i check my stat. and it shows that my traffic is mostly from mobile sites so i turn off the mobile view and after a hour my clicks and CTR going to increase at one time at reach so high that i need to keep my ads close and make it 3 visible to my blog visitors. Actually there are alot of others factors too that decide your earning from Google AdSense.

If you are a indian Blogger then try to target those audience who have a very minor knowledge about ads and Google AdSense. Tis will help you to get better traffic and better ranking too.

5. Indian blogs CPC and CTR

As a famous saying is

}Normal anything is the best thing}

So, always be careful about your AdSense.
The average CPC never exist. Why? Because may be one of your visitor come from UK and give you a click that ad you $1.70 per click at the same time when a person from India come to your site and give you a click with a CPC of $0.02. So, never ever trap into this situation.

The other thing is the CTR which is every important and you must need a care when you calculating it. When your CTR increases from 10% Google employees search and investigate your site, if they find anything that violate there TOS and terms of condition they don't think for the second and remove you for lifetime.

Indian traffic is a very cheap like all other developing countries but keep in mind if a Indian visitor click on the ad that belong to Your country then you may got a high CPC of $0.1 to $0.2 but you will never cross the limit that exist for other developed countries.

6. A story of blogger who make $4000 from Google AdSense on a month.

There was an Indian Blogger who has a lot of passion about writing and helping people, she start a blog about lifestyle and work for that blog day and night. 6 month later she ad AdSense to her blog but don't see any kind of traffic after 11 months she earns $300 per month later on when that blog has an age of 2 years, right know that Blog earns $4000, just from AdSense with a lot of Indian Traffic and she Now is a full time Blogger.

7. Conclusions

Google AdSense is one of the best site in the world of Advertising and Publishing, most people now quiting AdSense just because of Low Cost per Click but that has a very minor numbers. To drive better cost per click and CTR from your site you need to apply the above given steps for being an Indian traffic.

Indian traffic like all other developing countries traffic but still it depend upon your AdSense Optimization and the efforts you do when apply changes to your blog or website.

Still have any question. Please Ask in Comment section i will help you to solve your problem relating to Google AdSense CPC and CTR.


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