How to Earn Money from YouTube in Pakistan | Earn Online in Pakistan
Online earning of money from internet is very passive and easy way to earn money, but it need to understand the basics and the proper knowledge about the earning source and how the earning system works, here in this webner i will teach you how to earn money from YouTube in Pakistan. There are two types of people who earn money from Pakistan YouTube earning source- Taken from YouTube 1. Some people make their own videos and upload it to YouTube. Some of them are Sham Idrees and Nadir Khan. 2. The second kind of people copy videos from other people uploaded videos and Re-upload it to Youtube again. So which one is safe? Surly the First one. Use the first one technique. Know how to earn Money from YouTube? Here is the step by step Guide to earn money from YouTube in Pakistan Step 1: first you need to upload only those videos that are your own. Step 2: Now, go to your channel and click on video manager, then click on the channel link on left side of the window. Picture about YouTube m...